Ok so you've put on a few extra carbons after the past year. Took one too many flights there, took one too many trips to the store and left the lights on too much. Global warming is keeping you up at night. What to do?
As with any diet we all want easy fast and big impact items to get those carbons off fast.
Here is my top 5 list:
- Fly less - If you travel for work ask if there is a way to do a video conference. Otherwise look at other low carbon forms of travel such as travelling by train.
- Drive less - walk, ride a bike, use public transportation. Too hard? Combine trips or carpool.
- Buy used products or vintage - they are carbon neutral since they don't take any energy to be produced and plus best of all save you money.
- Buy local produce - visit your local farmers market or ask your grocery store what's local. I was in a Whole Foods recently and was surprised to find Kiwi fruit grown on a near by island in February!
- Go vegetarian - That Atkins diet will kill you any way so more local fruits and veggies the better. If you can't give up meat completely try a few vegetarian meals a week.
- Cut your energy bill - Replace lights with Compact Fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and turn down your thermostat. Check with your utility for other ways to save.
Ok there's six, so I got carried away. Here's to a lighter you and lessening your impact on this planet.
Technocrati tags:
global warming,
emissions reduction,