As with any diet we all want easy fast and big impact items to get those carbons off fast.
Here is my top 5 list:
- Fly less - If you travel for work ask if there is a way to do a video conference. Otherwise look at other low carbon forms of travel such as travelling by train.
- Drive less - walk, ride a bike, use public transportation. Too hard? Combine trips or carpool.
- Buy used products or vintage - they are carbon neutral since they don't take any energy to be produced and plus best of all save you money.
- Buy local produce - visit your local farmers market or ask your grocery store what's local. I was in a Whole Foods recently and was surprised to find Kiwi fruit grown on a near by island in February!
- Go vegetarian - That Atkins diet will kill you any way so more local fruits and veggies the better. If you can't give up meat completely try a few vegetarian meals a week.
- Cut your energy bill - Replace lights with Compact Fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and turn down your thermostat. Check with your utility for other ways to save.
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